Hello Guys…Here is a Great news for all Android User…

Most of Android user we face internal memory problem….All worse days has gone …

So Don’t worry I am here (Tnx to Google, Xda)


1. Your Phone Must be rooted.

2. Link2Sd.

3. Root Explorer.

4. Your memory card must be partition(EXT2,EXT3,EXT4). If you don’t have partition then follow the link:

Tutorial: A Guide to Link2SD for Android


1. Open Link2sd go to setting and mark/Unmark by seeing the screenshot.


2. Open “Root Explorer” and Go to “DATA” then Copy “app, app-private, dalvik-cache” (Don’t move)folder and Paste it in “SDEXT2” folder. If you have already some data/apps in this folder then just delete all this from “SDEXT2” folder. (See the Screenshot)


3. Now tap on the “apps” folder then you will find Options menu and go to the bottom you will find a Option named “Link to this folder” .then Click on the Option and Go back to the “DATA” folder and click on “CREATE LINK”. (See the Screenshot)


4. Then you will find a warning message then press “Yes” and wait until finish. (See the Screenshot)


5. After finish repeat the same procedure for the other two Folder (app-private, dalvik-cache).

Then Reboot your Phone. Yahoo you have done now go to link2sd and see the Storage Info.

*******I Instal 17 Apps and I got free 148MB out of 172MB********

Screenshot_2013-07-07-15-49-43 Screenshot_2013-07-07-15-48-14

Download Link :

NB: Before doing Always Backup your ROM. If any Damages I am not responsible Do it your own risk.