How To root Galaxy Note n7000:

1.Download Exynos Abuse(Link given Below)
2.Install application as routine apk installation and open it.
3.Open Exynos Abuse application from App drawer
4.Select Root device (see image)

5. It will ask SuperSU permission, Grant it (See image)

6. Now your device is rooted, for security purpose you can disable Exploit.(see image)
Note : This may break camera, but unchecking disable exploit make it working again

7. Open SuperSU from app drawer and update binary.

Now Your Device is rooted & Enjoy..:) 🙂


How To Unroot Galaxy Note n7000:

For Unroot your Galaxy Note n7000 just follow the Step :

 1. Open Exynos Abuse app, uncheck disable explot and select Unroot device (see image)

Restart device and wait for 10 min. and then you can check status. Your Device is now Unrooted.

Download Link :


NB: Any Kind Of Damages I am not Responsible. Do At your own risk.

Credit: Xda