Steps to Install Cacti Network Monitoring Tool on Ubuntu 17.04
Here I am going to show you very simple steps to install Cacti Network Monitoring Tool on Ubuntu 17.04. Just follow the video or below instruction.
Step 1: Update the Repositories
#apt-get update
Step 2: Add the Repository
#add-apt-repository 'deb trusty universe' #apt-get update
Step 3: Install the Dependencies
#apt-get install apache2 mysql-server-5.7 php libapache2-mod-php
Step 4: Configure MySql
#mysql -u root -p
Enter and Set the password
If face any error then restart mysql service.
#service mysql restart
Step 5: Install SNMP, SNMPD and RRDtools:
#apt-get install snmp snmpd rrdtool
Step 6: Install Cacti on Ubuntu
#apt-get install cacti cacti-spine
Follow below sequence:
1. Select “apache2” as web server
2. Enter the Root Password-2 Times
3. Select Unix Socket for Connection Method
4. Add Mysql root password
Step 7: Restart the Following Services
# service snmpd restart # service mysql restart # service apache2 restart
Step 8: Cacti Web Installation Setup
open web browser
CCNP (ENCOR & R), CCNA (R&S), JNCIA-Junos & SEC. Experienced Network & System Engineer.
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